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/ Types of U.S Coins / 20 Cents Pieces & Quarters
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{ 20 Cent Pieces & Quarters }

Collecting U.S. Coins by Type.
A type set of American coins will consist of the following: { 20 cent pieces & Quarters}

Because it was similar in size and design to the quarter, the unpopular
twenty-cent piece lasted only one year. It showed Liberty seated, with an eagle on
the reverse. First struck in 1875, the coin was discontinued the following year,
although 510 proof sets were minted in 1877 and 600 in 1878.

Head or Bust Quarters
Early quarter dollars resembled the other denominations.
The head of Liberty, first facing right and then left, was used until 1838, No indication
of value appeared on the coin until 1804, when the notation "25C" was placed
on the reverse.

Seated Quarters
In 1838 the reverse was changed to read "QUAR. DOL."
so the value was easy to see. The Liberty Seated quarter was superseded by the Barber
quarter in 1892.

Named after its designer, the Barber quarter resembled the dime and
Half of the same name and time period. It was minted from 1892 to 1916.

Liberty Quarter
Considered by many one of the most attractive coins the United
States has ever produced, the Standing Liberty quarter was rapidly disappearing from
circulation in the 1950's. The design was changed in 1917. Prior to then, there were no stars under
the eagle and there were more stars around the rim. The newer design gave a more
uncluttered appearance.

Quarter (Silver)
The Washington quarter, issued in 1932, commemorates the 200th anniversary
of George Washington's birth. Today, over seventy years later, it is still going
strong, with no indication a new design will be adopted. There are few really scarce
years in this series, and it is surprising that more collectors are not attracted
to this coin.

Washington Quarter(Clad)
With the shortage and expence of using silver in 1965 the United States mint started using copper-nickel for the quarter coinage. In 1976 the Bi-centinnial of the US they changed the reverse of the Quarter. The 1776-1976 dated quarters were minted from 1975-1976. Also note: in 1968 the mintmark was moved from the reverse to the front of the Quarter.

Washington Quarter (Statehood starting 1999)
Starting in 1999 and going on for 10 years till 2008 the United States mint is honoring all 50 States by producing quarters with special designs for each State. A total of 5 different quarters will be produced each of these years. Starting with Deleware each other States quarter will be minted according to their entrance into Statehood. Circulated coins are produced in Phila. & Denver while proof coins are being minted in SanFrancisco.
Use the links to the right below for more info. on these quarters
View the Statehood Quarters 1999-date
Read News Artical (Curse of the Quarter)
Statehood Quarters, Mintages & Errors

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